Monday, March 25, 2013

Common Core Resources ENGAGE NY

commoncoreCommon Core Resources
Below is a list of key resources on designed to assist educators with the implementation of the Common Core.

The New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards in ELA and Mathematics
Read the standards organized by grade level in both English language arts and math.

These resources explain the six instructional shifts in ELA and math needed to effectively implement the Common Core.

Memo regarding the Implementation of the Common Core
The State Education Department sent this memo to school administrators providing an update on Common Core implementation.

Common Core Curriculum Materials in ELA and Math
Access free Common Core-aligned curriculum materials, including lesson plans and performance tasks, in ELA and math.

View Item Review Criteria and additional guidance resources designed to guide test question development on the Grades 3-8 ELA and math assessments.

Test Guides and Sample Questions for Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Assessments
The test guides and sample questions demonstrate how the Common Core will be measured on the 2013 assessments.
The Text List for P-12 ELA contains all the full-length books, articles, excerpts and other texts to be used in the ELA curriculum modules on EngageNY.

The Tri-State Collaborative (composed of educational leaders from Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island and facilitated by Achieve) has developed criterion-based rubrics and review processes to evaluate the quality of lessons and units intended to address the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and ELA/Literacy.

This workbook is designed to assist Network Teams, District Superintendents and superintendents in their ongoing Common Core, Data Driven Instruction, and APPR implementation efforts.

The purpose of these tools is to capture evidence of the shifts in practice in each of our classrooms. The results of this collection can play a key role in providing evidence-based feedback in general and as it relates to APPR specifically.

Watch how educators are bringing the Common Core to life in their classrooms.

A collection of materials and resources that will help parents and families understand the Common Core and how to help their child learn, including an FAQ, Parent's Backpack Guide to the Common Core, and What Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Learn.


NYSED announces CTB/McGraw Hill will produce new High School Equivalency test replacing the GED(R), becoming the first state in the nation to offer an alternative test.

The U.S. Department of Education has announced plans for improving the implementation of equitable services requirements under applicable programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Let's Move! Active Schools is a new program to support schools in creating a culture of physical activity. Discover more about Let's Move! Active Schools here.

NYSED recommends that districts, BOCES, and charter schools review the letter from the Office for Civil Rights regarding non-academic and extracurricular activities and Section 504 to determine whether their policies are consistent with this guidance.

NYSED annually collects the number of "immigrant children and youth" to determine LEA eligibility and allocations for the Title III, Part A Immigrant Education 2013-2014 grant program. LEAs must report this information to NYSED no later than March 29, 2013. For questions, please contact Laura Arpey at 518-474-8775 or
Evolution Workshop: "Stones, Bones and Genes," May 4, 2013
Do not miss this one day workshop that provides teachers with a firm foundation in evolutionary biology, including up-to-date information on genetics, the fossil record, and human evolution.

D.H. Cadwell Earth Science Workshop, July 8-10, 2013
Join State Museum geologists at the 13th Annual Earth Science Workshop and learn more about Earth Science and New York's unique geology.

The New York State Museum is pleased to offer this two-day workshop to provide educators with classroom lessons, activities, and projects designed to expose students to the excitement of archaeology.

Summer Reading at New York Libraries
The New York State Library has created a wealth of summer reading information and promotional materials that educators can use to help students and their families continue to read all summer long. These resources include flyers for educators and parents, manuals for early childcare providers and educators, and New York State themed booklists. Find the latest research about the value of summer reading here

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