What it is and is not . . .
Guided practice is an activity that provides students the opportunity to grasp and
development concepts or skills and requires teachers to monitor student progress. 
Guided practice is not simply assigning a worksheet, problems, or questions to
 be completed in class.

Teachers should use guided practice . . .

ü      following and as an additional check for understanding.
ü      prior to closure.
ü      to determine the level of mastery.
ü      to provide individual remediation.

Guided practice can look like and sound like . . .

ü      An activity in which each student is individually accountable to demonstrate

For example:

            1.  A set of questions or problems that require
             students to work through the new learning.

             This can be accomplished individually or by using
             cooperative learning strategies.  Remember . . . it’s     
             group work and not cooperative learning unless there
             is individually accountability!  No group grades.

             Ideas for pairs/teams: Pairs Check, Flashcard   
             Game, Roundrobin or Roundtable (Rally, if pairs),
             Sages Share, Fan and Pick, Find Someone Who,
              Numbered Heads Together, Showdown, Team-
              Pair-Solo, and Team Word Web.

            2.  Students creating a mind map related to the
            learning objective.

ü      The teacher is continuously moving around the room and monitoring students
 working individually, in pairs, or as teams.  This is critical for assessment of learning
 and related decisions concerning the need to reteach.  Without monitoring, the activity
becomes independent practice and the teacher may not realize that students are
encoding incorrect information and/or skills! 
According to Fredric Jones, author of Positive Classroom Instruction,
 effective monitoring by the teacher during guided practice can improve
classroom discipline and decrease failure experiences for students.
While monitoring students, teachers need only to “praise, prompt, and leave!”
Note:  Brain research is telling us that we have a window of approximately 
6-8 hours to correct inaccurate information/skills before it becomes permanently 
encoded.  What are the implications of this for teachers?  A check for understanding
and guided practice must be implemented PRIOR to sending students home with
independent practice.  If this does not occur, teachers will have a very difficult time 
decoding the incorrect skill/knowledge of their students!

  1. http://k6educators.about.com/od/lessonplanheadquarters/g/guided_practice.htm 
  2. http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/learning/lr1guid.htm
  3. PPT [PPT] 

    Guided Practice

    File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML
    **Guided Practice provides sufficient practice of all content that students 
    will be asked to do independently**. What It Is…. Very active, important
     stage of Direct ...

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